Figure 4-11-Flashing at the intersection of an exterior walland a flat or low-pitched roof.flashing. When building paper is used on the sidewalls,it should lap the top edge of the flashing. To protect thewalls behind the window sill in a brick veneer exterior,extend the flashing under the masonry sill up theunderside of the wood sill.Flashing is also required at the junctions of anexterior wall and a flat or low-pitched built-up roof (fig.4-11). Where a metal roof is used, the metal is turned upon the wall and covered by the siding. A clearanceshould be allowed at the bottom of the siding to protectagainst melted snow and rain.GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTSSeveral types of gutters are available to carry therainwater to the downspouts and away from theFigure 4-12.-Parts of a metal gutter system.4-10
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