Figure 4-15.-Downspout installation: A. Downspout withsplash block; B. Drain to storm sewer.(fig. 4-15, view A), which carries the water away fromthe foundation. The minimum length of a splash blockshould be 3 feet. In some areas, the downspout drainsdirectly into a tile line, which carries the water to a stormsewer (view B).EXTERIOR DOORSLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completingthis section, you should be able to identify thetypes of exterior doors and describe basicexterior doorjamb installation procedures.Many types of exterior doors are available toprovide access, protection, safety, and privacy. Wood,metal, plastic, glass, or a combination of these materialsare used in the manufacture of doors. The selection ofdoor type and material depends on the degree ofprotection or privacy desired, architectural com-patibility, psychological effect, fire resistance, and cost.DOOR TYPESBetter quality exterior doors are of solid-coreconstruction. The core is usually fiberglass, or the doorFigure 4-16.-Parts of a Six-panel metal-faced with an insulated foam core. Solid-coredoors are used as exterior doors because of the heavyservice and the additional fireproofing. Hollow-coredoors are normally used for interior applications. Wooddoors are classified by design and method ofconstruction as panel or flush doors.Panel DoorsA panel door, or stile-and-rail door, consists ofvertical members called stiles and horizontal memberscalled rails. The stiles and rails enclose panels of solidwood, plywood, louvers, or glass (fig. 4-16). The stilesextend the full height at each side of the door. Thevertical member at the hinged side of the door is calledthe hinge, or hanging, stile, and the one to which thelatch, lock, or push is attached is called the closing, orlock, stile. Three rails run across the full width of thedoor between the stiles: the top rail, the intermediate orlock rail, and the bottom rail. Additional vertical orhorizontal members, called muntins, may divide thedoor into any number of panels. The rails, stiles, andmuntins maybe assembled with either glued dowels ormortise-and-tenon joints.Sash DoorsarePanel doors in which one or more panels are glassclassed as sash (glazed) doors. Fully glazed panel4-12
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