Figure 4-6.-Siding details: A. Interior corners; B. Mitered corners; C. Metal corners; D. Siding return of roof.Shingles and Shakesextending well up on the dormer wall will provide thePrefinished shingle or shake exteriors are some-times used with color-matched metal corners. They canalso be lapped over the adjacent corner shingle,alternating each course. This kind of corner treatment,called lacing, usually requires that flashing be usedbeneath.When siding returns against a roof surface, such asat the bottom of a dormer wall, there should be a 2-inchclearance (fig. 4-6, view D). Siding that is cut for a tightfit against the shingles retains moisture after rains andusually results in peeling paint. Shingle flashingnecessary resistance to entry of wind-driven rain. Hereagain, a water-repellent preservative should be used onthe ends of the siding at the roof line.GABLE ENDSAt times, the materials used in the gable ends and inthe walls below differ in form and application. Thedetails of construction used at the juncture of the twomaterials should be such that good drainage is assured.For example, when vertical boards and battens are usedat the gable end and horizontal siding below, a drip cap4-7
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