Figure 4-3.-Installation of bevel siding.ExposureThe minimum lap for bevel siding is 1 inch. Theaverage exposure distance is usually determined by thedistance from the underside of the window sill to the topof the drip cap (fig. 4-3). From the standpoint of weatherresistance and appearance, the butt edge of the firstcourse of siding above the window should coincide withthe top of the window drip cap. In many one-storystructures with an overhang, this course of siding isoften replaced with a frieze board It is also desirablethat the bottom of a siding course be flush with theunderside of the window sill. However, this may notalways be possible because of varying window heightsand types that might be used in a structure.One system used to determine the siding exposurewidth so that it is approximately equal above and belowthe window sill is as follows:1. Divide the overall height of the window frameby the approximate recommended exposuredistance for the siding used (4 inches for6-inch-wide siding, 6 inches for 8-inch-widesiding, 8 inches for 10-inch-wide siding, and 10inches for 12-inch-wide siding). This result willbe the number of courses between the top andthe bottom of the window. For example, theoverall height of our sample window from of the drip cap to the bottom of the sill is61 inches. If 12-inch-wide siding is used, thenumber of courses would be 61/10 = 6.1, or sixcourses. To obtain the exact exposure distance,divide 61 by 6 and the result would be 10 1/6inches.Determine the exposure distance from thebottom of the sill to just below the top of thefoundation wall. If this distance is 31 inches, usethree courses of 10 1/3 inches each. Thus, theexposure distance above and below the windowwould be almost the same (fig. 4-3).When this system is not satisfactory because of bigdifferences in the two areas, it is preferable to use anequal exposure distance for the entire wall height andnotch the siding at the window sill. The fit should betight to prevent moisture from entering.InstallationSiding may be installed starting with a bottomcourse. It is normally blocked out with a starting stripthe same thickness as the top of the siding board (fig.4-3). Each succeeding course overlaps the upper edgeof the course below it. Siding should be nailed to eachstud or on 16-inch centers. When plywood, woodsheathing, or spaced wood nailing strips are used overnonwood sheathing, 7d or 8d nails may be used for3/4-inch-thick siding. However, if gypsum or fiberboardsheathing is used, 10d nails are recommended toproperly penetrate the stud For 1/2-inch-thick siding,nails may be 1/4 inch shorter than those used for3/4-inch siding.The nails should be located far enough up from thebutt to miss the top of the lower siding course (fig. 4-4).The clearance distance is usually 1/8 inch. This allowsfor slight movement of the siding because of moisturechanges without causing splitting. Such an allowance isespecially required for the wider (8 to 12 inch) siding.JointsIt is good construction practice to avoid butt jointswhenever possible. Use the longer sections of sidingunder windows and other long stretches, and use theshorter lengths for areas between windows and doors.When a butt joint is necessary, it should be made over astud and staggered between courses.Siding should be square cut to provide good joints.Open joints permit moisture to enter and often lead topaint deterioration. It is a good practice to brush or dip4-4
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