Figure 4-22.-Plumbing an exterior doorjamb.With the sill level, drive a 16d casing nail throughthe side casing into the wall frame at the bottom of eachside. Insert blocking or wedges between the trimmerstuds and the top of the jambs. Adjust the wedges untilthe frame is plumb. Use a level and straightedge for thisprocedure (fig. 4-22).NOTEWhen setting doorframes, never drive anyof the nails completely into the wood until allnails are in place and a final check has beenmade to make sure that no adjustments arenecessary.Place additional wedges between the jambs and studframe in the approximate location of the lock strike plateand hinges. Adjust the wedges until the side jambs arewell supported and straight. Then secure the wedges bydriving a 16d casing nail through the jamb, wedge, andinto the trimmer stud. Finally, nail the casing in placewith 16d casing nails. These nails should be placed 3/4inch from the outer edges of the casing and spaced 16inches OC.After the installation is complete, a piece of 1/4-or3/8- inch plywood should be lightly tacked over the sillto protect it during further construction work. At thistime, many Builders prefer to hang a temporary door sothe interior of the structure can be secured and providea place to store tools and materials.Hanging the door and installing door hardware area part of the interior finishing operation and will bedescribed later in this TRAMAN.PREHUNG EXTERIOR DOOR UNITSA variety of prehung exterior door units areavailable. They include single doors, double doors, anddoors with sidelights. Millwork plants provide detailedinstructions for installing their products.First, check the rough opening. Make sure the sizeis correct and that it is plumb, square, and level. Applya double bead of caulking compound to the bottom ofthe opening, and set the unit in place. Spacer shims,located between the frame and door, should not beremoved until the frame is firmly attached to the roughopening.Insert shims between the side jambs and trimmerstuds. They should be located at the top, bottom, andmidpoint of the door. Drive 16d finishing nails throughthe jambs, shims, and into the structural frame members.Manufacturers usually recommend that at least two ofthe screws in the top hinge be replaced with 2 1/4-inchscrews. Finally, adjust the threshold so that it makessmooth contact with the bottom edge of the door. Aftera prehung exterior door unit is installed, the door shouldbe removed from the hinges and carefully stored. Atemporary door can be used until final completion of theproject.WINDOWSLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completingthis section, you should be able to identify thetypes of windows used in frame structures, anddescribe installation procedures.The primary purpose of windows is to allow theentry of light and air, but they may also be an importantpart of the architectural design of a building. Windowsand their frames are millwork units that are usually fullyassembled at the factory, ready for use in buildings.These units often have the sash fitted and weatherstripped, frame assembled, and exterior casing in place,Standard combination storms and screens or separateunits can also be included. Wood components are treatedwith a water-repellent preservative at the factory to4-16
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