to soften the light or provide privacy. It may be obtainedwith a pattern on one or both sides.PatternedPatterned glass has the same composition aswindow and plate glass. It is semitransparent withdistinctive geometric or linear designs on one or bothsides. The pattern can be impressed during the rollingprocess or sandblasted or etched later. Some patterns arealso available as wired glass. pattern glass allows entryof light while maintaining privacy. It is also used fordecorative screens and windows. Patterned glass mustbe installed with the smooth side to the face of the putty.LaminatedLaminated glass is composed of two or more layersof either sheet or polished plate glass with one or morelayers of transparent or pigmented plastic sandwichedbetween the layers. A vinyl plastic, such as plasticizedpolyvinyl resin butyl 0.015 to 0.025 inch thick, isgenerally used. Only the highest quality sheet orpolished plate glass is used in making laminated glass.When this type of glass breaks, the plastic holds thepieces of glass and prevents the sharp fragments fromshattering. When four or more layers of glass arelaminated with three or more layers of plastic, theproduct is known as bullet-resisting glass. Safety glasshas only two layers of glass and one of plastic.SafetySafety glass is available with clear or pigmentedplastic, and either clear or heat-absorbing andglare-reducing glass. Safety glass is used where strongimpact may be encountered and the hazard of flyingglass must be avoided. Exterior doors with a pane areagreater than 6 square feet and shower tubs andenclosures are typical applications.Glazing compounds must be compatible with thelayers of laminated plastic. Some compounds causedeterioration of the plastic in safety glass.MirrorsMimers are made with polished plate, window,sheet, and picture glass. The reflecting surface is a thincoat of metal, generally silver, gold, copper, bronze, orchromium, applied to one side of the glass. For specialmirrors, lead, aluminum, platinum, rhodium, or othermetals may be used. The metal film can be semi-transparent or opaque and can be left unprotected orprotected with a coat of shellac, varnish, paint, or metal(usually copper). Mirrors used in building constructionare usually either polished plate glass or tempered plateglass.Proper installation requires that the weight of themirror be supported at the bottom. Mastic installation isnot recommended because it may cause silver spoilage.Plexiglas®Sheets made of thermoplastic acrylic resin(Plexiglas®and Luciteo, both trade names) are availablein flat and corrugated sheets. This material is readilyformed into curved shapes and, therefore, is often usedin place of glass. Compared with glass, its surface ismore readily scratched; hence, it should be installed inout-of-reach locations. This acrylic plastic is obtainablein transparent, translucent, or opaque sheets and in awide variety of colors.GLAZING MATERIALSIn this section, we’ll discuss the various types ofsealers you’ll need to install, hold fast, and seal awindow in its setting.Wood-Sash PuttyWood-sash putty is a cement composed of finepowdered chalk (whiting) or lead oxide (white lead)mixed with boiled or raw linseed oil. Putty may containother drying oils, such as soybean or perilla. As the oiloxides, the putty hardens. Litharge (an oxide of lead) orspecial driers may be added if rapid hardening isrequired. Putty is used in glazing to set sheets of glassinto frames. Special putty mixtures are available forinterior and exterior glazing of aluminum and steelwindow sash.A good grade of wood-sash putty resists sticking tothe putty knife or glazier’s hands, yet it should not betoo dry to apply to the sash. In wood sash, apply asuitable primer, such as priming paints or boiled linseedoil.Putty should not be painted until it has thoroughlyset. Painting forms an airtight film, which slows thedrying. This may cause the surface of the paint to crackAll putty should be painted for proper protection.Metal-Sash PuttyMetal-sash putty differs from wood putty in that itis formulated to adhere to nonporous surfaces. It is used4-21
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