Table 4-1.-Weight and Maximum Sizes of Sheet GlassTable 4-2.-Grades of Sheet GlassAll heat-absobing glass must be clean cut. Nibbling toThe maximum size glass that may be used in aremove flares or to reduce oversized dimensions ofparticular location is governed to a great extent by windheat-absorbing glass is not permitted.load. Wind velocities, and consequently wind pressures,increase with height above the ground. Various buildingSHEET GLASS SIZES AND GRADEScodes or project specifications determine the maximumallowable glass area for wind load.Sheet glass is produced in a number of thicknesses,but only 3/32- and 1/8-inch sheets are commonly usedSASH PREPARATIONas a window glass. These thicknesses are designated,respectively, as single strength (SS) and double strengthAttach the sash so that it will withstand the design(DS). Thick sheet glass, manufactured by the sameload and comply with the specifications. Adjust, plumb,method as window glass, is used in openings that exceedand square the sash to within 1/8 inch of nominalwindow-glass-size recommendations. Table 4-1 listsdimensions on shop drawings. Remove all rivets,the thicknesses, weights, and recommended maximumscrews, bolts, nail heads, welding fillets, and othersizes. Sheet glass comes in six grades (table 4-2).projections from specified clearances. Seal all sash4-24
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