for glazing aluminum and steel sash either inside oroutside. It should be applied as recommended by themanufacturer. Metal-sash putty should be paintedwithin 2 weeks after application, but should bethoroughly set and hard before painting begins.There are two grades of metal-sash putty: one forinterior and one for exterior glazing. Both wood-sashputty and metal-sash putty are known as oleoresinouscaulking compounds. The advantage of these materialsis their low cost; their disadvantages include highshrinkage, little adhesion, and an exposed lifeexpectancy of less than 5 years.Elastic CompoundsElastic glazing compounds are specially formulatedfrom selected processed oils and pigments, whichremain plastic and resilient over a longer period than thecommon hard putties. Butyl and acrylic compounds arethe most common elastics. Butyl compounds tend tostain masonry and have a high shrinkage factor.Acrylic-based materials require heating to 110°F beforeapplication. Some shrinkage occurs during curing. Athigh temperatures, these materials sag considerably invertical joints. At low temperatures, acrylic-basedmaterials become hard and brittle. The y are available ina wide range of colors and have good adhesion qualities.Polybutane TapePolybutane tape is a nondrying mastic, which isavailable in extruded ribbon shapes. It has goodadhesion qualities, but should not be used as a substituteor replacement for spacers. It can be used as a con-tinuous bed material in conjunction with a polysulfidesealer compound. This tape must be pressure applied forproper adhesion.Polysulfide CompoundsPolysulfide-base products are two-part syntheticrubber compounds based on a polysulfide polymer. Theconsistency of these compounds after mixing is similarto that of a caulking compound. The activator must bethoroughly mixed with the base compound at the job.The mixed compound is applied with either a caulkinggun or spatula. The sealing surfaces must be extremelyclean. Surrounding areas of glass should be protectedbefore glazing. Excess and spilled material must beremoved and the surfaces cleaned promptly. Oncepolysulfide elastomer glazing compound has cured, it isvery difficult to remove. Any excess material left on thesurfaces after glazing should be cleaned during theworking time of the material (2 to 3 hours). Toluene andxylene are good solvents for this purpose.Rubber MaterialsRubber compression materials are molded invarious shapes. They are used as continuous gaskets andas intermittent spacer shims. A weathertight jointrequires that the gasket be compressed at least 15percent. Preformed materials reduce costs becausecareful cleaning of the glass is not necessary, and thereis no waste of material.MEASURING AND CUTTING GLASSAlways measure the length and width of the openingin which the glass is to fit at more than one place.Windows are often not absolutely square. If there is adifference between two measurements, use the smallerand then deduct 1/8 inch from the width and length toallow for expansion and contraction. Otherwise, theglass may crack with changes of temperature. This isespecially true with steel casement windows.Cutting glass is a matter of confidence-andexperience. You can gain both by practicing on scrapglass before trying to cut window glass to size.Equipment required for glass cutting consists of a glasscutter, a flat, solid table, a tape measure, and a wood ormetal T-square or straightedge. Look at figure 4-28. Youshould lightly oil the cutting wheel (view A) with a thinmachine oil or lubricating fluid. Hold the cutter byresting your index finger on the flat part of the handle,as shown in view B.To cut a piece of glass, lay a straightedge along theproposed cut, as shown in view C. Hold it down firmlywith one hand and with the glass cutter in the other,make one continuous smooth stroke along the surfaceof the glass with the side of the cutter pressed againstthe straightedge (view D). The objective is to score theglass, not cut through it. You should be able to hear thecutter bite into the glass as it moves along. Make surethe cut is continuous and that you have not skipped anysection. Going over a cut is a poor practice as the glassis sure to break away at that point. Snap the glassimmediately after cutting by placing a pencil or longdowel under the score line and pressing with your handson each side of the cut (view E). Frosted or patternedglass should be cut on the smooth side. Wire-reinforcedglass can be cut the same as ordinary glass, except thatyou will have to separate the wires by flexing the twopieces up and down until the wire breaks or by cuttingthe wires with side-cutting pliers.4-22
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