corners and fabrication intersections to make the sashwatertight. Put a coat of primer paint on all sealingsurfaces of wood sash and carbon steel sash. Useappropriate solvents to remove grease, lacquers, andother organic-protecting finishes from sealing surfacesof aluminum sash.WoodOn old wood sashes, you must clean all putty runsof broken glass fragments and glazier’s points—triangular pieces of zinc or galvanized steel driven intothe rabbet. Remove loose paint and putty by scraping.Wipe the surface clean with a cloth saturated in mineralspirits or turpentine; prime the putty runs and allow themto dry.On new wood sashes, you should remove the dust,prime the putty runs, and allow them to dry. All newwood sashes should be pressure treated for decayprotection.MetalOn old metal sashes, you must remove loose paintor putty by scraping. Use steel wool or sandpaper toremove rust. Clean the surfaces thoroughly with a clothsaturated in mineral spirits or turpentine. Prime baremetal and allow it to dry thoroughly.On new metal sashes, you should wipe the sashthoroughly with a cloth saturated in mineral spirits orturpentine to remove dust, dirt, oil, or grease. Removeany rust with steel wool or sandpaper. If the sash is notalready factory-primed, prime it with rust-inhibitivepaint and allow it to dry thoroughly.GLAZING“Glazing” refers to the installation of glass inprepared openings of windows, doors, partitions, andcurtain walls. Glass may be held in place with glazier’spoints, spring clips, or flexible glazing beads. Glass iskept from contact with the frame with various types ofshims. Putty, sealants, or various types of caulkingcompounds are applied to makebetween the glass and the frame.Wood Sasha weathertight jointMost wood sash is face-glazed. The glass isinstalled in rabbets, consisting of L-shaped recesses cutFigure 4-29.-Types of wood-sash glazing.into the sash or frame to receive and support panes ofglass. The glass is held tightly against the frame byglazier’s points. The rabbet is then filled with putty. Theputty is pressed firmly against the glass and beveledback against the wood frame with a putty knife. Apriming paint is essential in glazing wood sash. Thepriming seals the pores of the wood, preventing the lossof oil from the putty. Wood frames are usually glazedfrom the outside (fig. 4-29).As we noted earlier, wood-sash putty is generallymade with linseed oil and a pigment. Some puttiescontain soybean oil as a drying agent. Putty should notbe painted until it is thoroughly set. A bead of putty orglazing compound is applied between the glass and theframe as a bedding. The bedding is usually applied tothe frame before the glass is set. Back puttying is thenused to force putty into spaces that may have been leftbetween the frame and the glass.Metal Windows and DoorsGlass set in metal frames must be prevented frommaking contact with metal. This may be accomplishedby first applying a setting bed of metal-sash putty orglazing compound. Metal-sash putty differs fromwood-sash putty in that it is formulated to adhere to a4-25
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