Figure 4-28.-Glass cutting.
To cut a narrow strip from a large piece of glass,
the waste. Do not nibble without first scoring a line. You
score a line and then tap gently underneath the score line
with the cutter to open up an inch or so of the score line
(view F). Next, grasp the glass on each side of the line
and gently snap off the waste piece (view G). Press
downward away from the score mark. If the strip does
not break off cleanly, nibble it off with the pliers (view
H) or the notches in the cutter. Slivers less than 1/2 inch
wide are cut off by scoring the line and then nibbling off
can smooth off the edges of glass intended for shelving
or tabletops with an oilstone dipped in water, as shown
in view I. Rub the stone back and forth from end to end
with the stone at a 45° angle to the glass. Rub the stone
side to side only, not up and down.
No attempt should be made to change the size of
heat-strengthened, tempered, or doubled-glazed units,
since any such effort will result in permanent damage.