TM 9-243TYPES AND USESTimber handling tools are used for lifting or movingheavy objects such as logs or timbers. The timber car-rier and the peavy are the most common examples oftimber handling tools.TIMBER CARRIERThe timber carrier consists of a pair of large chisel-billhooks with sharp, pointed ends. These hooks are hungby pivots in the center of a large wooden handle, fourfeet in length. The timber carrier is used to lift logs andtimbers from one level to another as well as carry them.PEAVYThe peavy has a sturdy pole-type wooden handle, about5 feet in length, that fits into a cylindrical tapered steelsocket. The socket has a sharp, spiked point. Hinged tothe side of the socket is a curved hook that ends in asharp point. The peavy is used for rolling, turning, andcarrying logs and timbers.SAFETY1.Be sure that all hooks are securely embedded in the3.Do not toss tools from one location to another, aslog to be carried.damage or injury may result.2.Be sure that all personnel at the end of the timbercarrier or peavy handles lift and lower the log inunison.USING TIMBER HANDLING TOOLSBelow are examples of how the timber. handling tools inthis chapter can be used.USING A TIMBER CARRIERUSING A PEAVYLifting and moving heavy log with timber carriers.Lifting and moving heavy log with peavies.48-2
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