TM 9-243USING THE HACKSAW - Continued2Secure the material (4) to be cut in a vise or otherholding device to avoid vibration which may snapthe blade.3To make an accurate cut, use a file (5) to make anotch for guiding the first strokes of the saw.4Steady the saw by holding the handle with the righthand and the frame with the left.5Hold the blade parallel to the work surface and cuton the push stroke, being careful not to bear downtoo hard. Draw the blade back using no pressureeach time.6Saw at a rate not to exceed 40 to 50 strokes perminute.CARE OF SAWS1.Store blades in a dry place and apply a light coat ofoil when not in use. This will keep the blades fromrusting.2.Never use a woodcutting saw to cut through nailsor other metal.3.Between cuts, place saw flat on a work bench or ina spot where teeth cannot be damaged.4.Avoid placing heavy tools or objects on saw bladesas this can result in distortion of the blade.5.Do not force the saw if it binds. Use a wedge tospread the cut.6.Replace damaged saw handles with new onesimmediately when needed.7.To keep saw teeth in top condition, touch up theteeth with a file occasionally.8.Always loosen the blade tension on a hacksawwhen not in use.9.Always protect saw blade teeth from coming incontact with metal or other material that may dam-age them.10.Always remove the nested saw blade from thehandle for storage.46-7/(46-8 blank)
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