TM 9-243TYPES AND USES - ContinuedBLACKSMITH’S OR SLEDGEHAMMERS (Cont)The straight peen is similar to the cross peen except thatits peening edge is turned ninety degrees. This keepsthe handle parallel to the struck surface.JEWELER’S HAMMERThe jeweler’s hammer has a lightweight head weighingbetween 1-3/4 and 2 ounces. It is used to drive pins andshafts from precision instruments.MASON’S HAMMERThe mason’s hammer has a flat striking face on one endof the head and a tapered chisel on the other end. It isused for setting and cutting bricks and flat stones.NAPPING HAMMERThe napping hammer has a high carbon steel head withtwo tapered faces and weighs about 3 pounds. It is usedfor chipping stone surfaces or for forming stones duringroad construction or similar stone work.RIVETING HAMMERThe riveting hammer has a round face on one end of thehead. It is used for peening rivet heads. The other endhas a tapered chisel which is used for upsetting rivets.SAWMAKER’S HAMMERThe sawmaker’s hammer has a tapered blunt face onone end of the head and a tapered chisel face on theother end. It is used for setting the teeth on saws when asetting tool is unavailable.21-4
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