TM 9-243TYPES AND USES - ContinuedDEAD BLOW HAMMERSMALLETSCARPENTER’S MALLETThe carpenter’s mallet has a cylindrical wooden headoften bound with thin metal bands for support. It is usedfor driving dowels, small stakes, wooden handledchisels and for forming and shaping sheet metal.RAWHIDE MALLETThe rawhide mallet has a cylindrical head which is madeby tightly wrapping and staking a sheet of leather. It isused for forming and shaping sheet metal.RUBBER MALLETThe dead blow hammer is a shot-filled, rubber encased,single-piece hammer. It features a wrap-around gripand a flanged butt. Four basic types of dead blow ham-mers are currently in use. They are: the standard head,slimline head, sledge, and ball peen. Some advantagesof the dead blow hammers are greater striking power,and the elimination of broken heads and splinteredhandles.The rubber mallet has a cylindrical rubber head. It isused for forming sheet metal, driving dowels, and smallstakes.TINNER’S MALLETThe tinner’s mallet has a cylindrical wooden head whichis from 1-1/4 to 3-1/2 inches in diameter and from 3 to 6inches in length. It is used to form and shape sheetmetal.2 1 - 7
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