TM 9-243TYPES AND USES - ContinuedINSERTED SOFT-FACED HAMMER (Cont)USE THIS CONVERSION CHART FOR FACE SELECTIONTypeSoftSoft RubberSWoodSMediumMToughMediumHardNHardExtraHardRubberHard WoodLeadMTTNPlasticRawhideMicartaFibreTHMTNHHHCopperXHXHXHXHTRIMMER’S HAMMERWELDER’S HAMMERThe trimmer’s hammer has a round flat face on one endof the head and has a tapered chisel face on the otherend. A claw is attached on the end of the handle and isused for pulling tacks. It is used for installing tacks andbrads.The welder’s hammer has one or two tapered chiselfaces. Those having only one tapered face have areplaceable brush attached. The hammer face is usedfor chipping welds, while the brush is used for cleaningwelds and brushing away the slag chipped from theweld.21-6
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