TM 9-243TYPES AND USES - ContinuedSETTING HAMMERThe setting hammer has a square flat face on one end ofthe head and a sloping beveled edge on the other end. Itis used in sheet metal work for leveling and bendingedges and for setting double seams.SOFT-FACED HAMMERSoft-faced hammers are capable of delivering heavyblows to machined, highly polished or soft surfaceswithout damaging the surface.LEAD OR COPPER HAMMERLead or copper hammers are usually used for aligningsteel surfaces. Copper hammers range in head weightfrom 8 ounces up to 3 pounds. Working surfaces of leadand copper hammers may be filed to restore even faces.Molds are available for repouring lead hammers.INSERTED SOFT-FACED HAMMERInserted soft-faced hammers provide the user with adual purpose hammer. Any two faces may be assem-bled on a single handle holder. The following tables willassist you in selecting the proper face hardness for thetask you are attempting:HardnessSymbolColorsoftSBrownMediumMRedToughTGreenMedium Hard NCreamHardHBlackExtra HardXHYellowFaces and handle holders are available in 1 inch, 1-1/2inch, 2 inch, 2-1/2 inch and 3 inch diameters.21-5
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