TM 9-243TYPES AND USES - ContinuedVERNIER DEPTH GAGEHEIGHT GAGEThe vernier depth gage consists of a graduated scale (1)either 6 or 12 inches long. It also has a sliding head (2)similar to the one on the vernier caliper. (See chapter 6,Using Vernier Caliper).The sliding head is designed to bridge holes and slots.The vernier depth gage has the range of the rule depthgage. It does not have quite the accuracy of a microme-ter depth gage. It cannot enter holes less than 1/4 inch indiameter. However, it will enter a 1/32-inch slot. Thevernier scale is adjustable and may be adjusted to com-pensate for wear.DIAL DEPTH GAGEDial depth gages are for rapidly checking depths ofholes, recesses, slots, scratches, and paint thick-nesses. It should be noted that measurements madewith depth gages should be on a longitudinal axis.The depth gage will give direct readings on the dialin half-thousands of an inch (0.0005 in.); press thepush button down until the measuring rod contactsthe work and read the depth on the dial.A height gage is used in the layout of jigs and fixtures.On a bench, it is used to check the location of holes andsurfaces. It accurately measures and marks off verticaldistances from a plane surface.The vernier height gage is a caliper with a specialbase (1) to adapt it for use on a surface plate. Heightgages are available in several sizes. Most common arethe 10, 18, and 24-inch gages in English measure. Themost common metric gages are the 25 and46-centimeter sizes. Height gages are classified by thedimension they will measure above the surface plate.Like the vernier caliper (see chapter 6, Reading a Ver-nier Caliper), height gages are graduated in divisions of0.025 inch. Its vernier scale is divided into 25 units forreading thousandths of an inch.SURFACE PLATEA surface plate provides a true, smooth, planesurface. Itis often used as a level base for surface and heightgages from which to make accurate measurements.Surface plates are usually made of close grained castiron (1), are rectangular in shape, and come in a varietyof sizes.Change 114-3
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