TM 9-243TYPES AND USESRing and snap gages and precision gage blocks areused as standards to determine whether or not one ormore dimensions of a manufactured post are withinspecified limits. Their measurements are included in theconstruction of each gage, and they are called fixedgages. However, some snap gages are adjustable.Gages are used for a wide range of work, from roughmachining to the finest tool and die making. The accu-racy required of the same type of gage will be different,depending on the use.SNAP GAGE - ADJUSTABLERING GAGESSNAP GAGE - NONADJUSTABLEThe following classes of gages and their limits of accu-racy are standard for all makes:Class X - Precision lapped to close tolerances for manytypes of masters and the highest quality workingand inspection gages.Class Y - Good lapped finish to slightly increased toler-ances for inspection and working gages.Class Z - Commercial finish (ground and polished, butnot fully lapped) for a large percentage of workinggages in which tolerances are fairly wide, andwhere production quantities are not so large.Class ZZ - (Ring gages only). Ground only to meet thedemand for an inexpensive gage, where quantitiesare small and tolerances liberal.GAGE BLOCKSThe table below lists the tolerances for ring gages ineach class:TO ANDABOVEINCLX0.0290.8250.000040.8251.5100.000061.5102.5100.000082.5104.5100.000104.5106.5100.000136.5109.0100.000169.01012.0100.00020Y0.000070.000090.000120.000150.000190.000240.00030RINGGAGESZ ZZ0.00010 0.000200.00012 0.000240.00016 0.000320.00020 0.000400.00025 0.000500.00032 0.000640.00040 0.00080XPrecision lappedYLappedZGround or polished (grinding marks may be in evidence),ZZ Ground only15-2
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