TM 9-243TYPES AND USESRING GAGESThe plain ring gage is an external gage of circular form.For sizes between 0.059 and 0.510 inch, ring gages aremade with a hardened bushing pressed into a soft body.The thickness of the gage will range from 3/16 to 1-5/16inches. On ring gages, the GO gage (1) is larger than theNO GO gage (2). The GO and NO GO ring gages areseparate units. They can be distinguished from eachother by an annular groove (3) cut in the knurled outersurface of the NO GO gage. Ring gages made fordiameters of 0.510 to 1.510 inches are the same asthose shown above, except there is no bushing; they aremade all in one piece. Ring gages, sized from 1.510 to5.510 inches are made with a flange (4). This designreduces the weight, making the larger sizes easier tohandle.Ring gages are used more often in the inspection offinished parts than parts in process. The reason for thisis that the finished parts are usually readily accessible;whereas, parts in a machine that are supported at bothends would have to be removed to be checked.SNAP GAGESThe plain snap gage is made in two general types, thenonadjustable and adjustable.The nonadjustable type is a solid construction, havingtwo gaging members, GO (1) and NO GO (2) as shownabove. The part to be inspected is first tried on the GOside and then the gage is reversed and the part tried onthe NO GO side. Some solid snap gages (3) have com-bined gaging members in the same set of jaws as shownabove, known as a progressive snap gage. The outermember (4) gages the GO dimension and the innermember (5) the NO GO dimension.Three standard designs of the adjustable type are avail-able, consisting of a light, rigid frame with adjustablegaging pins, buttons, or anvils. These pins or buttonsmay be securely locked in place after adjustment, andlocking screws are tightened to hold the gaging dimen-sions.One type of adjustable snap gage is made in sizes thatrange from 1/2 to 12 inches (1). It is equipped with fourgaging pins and is suitable for checking the dimensionbetween surfaces. Another type is made in sizes thatrange from 1/2 to 11-1/4 inches (2). It is equipped withfour gaging buttons and is suitable for checking flat orcylindrical work.The third type is made in sizes from 1/2 to 11-5/8inches (3). It is equipped with two gaging buttons and asingle block anvil, and is especially suitable for checkingthe diameters of shafts, pins, studs, and hubs.15-3
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