Figure 5-4.—Corner and casing beads.Because adhesives are matched with specific materials,be sure to select the correct adhesive for the job. Readand follow the manufacturer’s directions.AccessoriesA number of metal accessories have been developedto finish off or protect drywall. corner beads (fig. 5-4)are used on all exposed comers to ensure a clean finishand to protect the drywall from edge damage. cornerbead is nailed or screwed every 5 inches through thedrywall and into the framing members. Be sure thecorner bead stays plumb as you fasten it in place. Casingbeads (fig. 5-4), also called stop beads, are used wheredrywall sheets abut at wall intersections, wall andexposed ceiling intersections, or where otherwisespecified. Casing beads are matched to the thickness ofthe drywall used.LayoutWhen laying out a drywall job, keep in mind thateach joint will require taping and sanding. You thereforeshould arrange the sheets so that there will be aminimum of joint work. Choose drywall boards of themaximum practical length.Drywall can be hung with its length either parallelor perpendicular to joists or studs. Although botharrangements work sheets running perpendicular affordbetter attachment. In double-ply installation, run basesheets parallel and top sheets perpendicular. For walls,the height of the ceiling is an important factor. When5-5
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