in the triangle indicates the hues that result whencolors are mixed.A— Equal proportions of red and blue produce pur-ple.B— Equal proportions of red and yellow produceorange.C— Equal proportions of blue and yellow producegreen.D— Three parts of red to one part of blue producecarmine.E— Three parts of red to one part of yellow producereddish orange.F— Three parts of blue to one part of red producered-violet.G— Three parts of yellow to one part of red produceyellowish orange.H— Three parts of blue to one part of yellow pro-duce bluish green.I— Three parts of yellow to one part of blue produceyellowish green.Hues are known as chromatic colors, whereasblack, white, and gray are achromatic (neutral colors).Gray can be produced by mixing black and white indifferent proportions.ThinningWhen received, paints should be ready forapplication by brush or roller. Thinner can be addedfor either method of application, but the supervisor orinspector must give prior approval. Thinning is oftenrequired for spray application. Unnecessary orexcessive thinning causes an inadequate thickness ofthe applied coating and adversely affects coatinglongevity and protective qualities. When necessary,thinning is done by competent personnel using onlythe thinning agents named by the specifications orlabel instructions. Thinning is not done to make iteasier to brush or roll cold paint materials. Theyshould be preconditioned (warmed) to bring them upto 65°F to 85°F.StrainingNormally, paint in freshly opened containers doesnot require straining. But in cases where lumps, colorflecks, or foreign matter are evident, paints should bestrained after mixing. When paint is to be sprayed, itmust be strained to avoid clogging the spray gun.Skins should be removed from the paint beforemixing. If necessary, the next step is thinning. Finally,the paint is strained through a fine sieve or commercialpaint strainer.TintingTry not to tint paint. This will reduce waste andeliminate the problem of matching special colors at alater date. Tinting also affects the properties of thepaint, often reducing performances to some extent.One exception is the tinting of an intermediate coat todifferentiate between that coat and a topcoat; thishelps assure you don’t miss any areas. In this case, useonly colorants of known compatibility. Try not to addmore than 4 ounces of tint per gallon of paint. If moreis added, the paint may not dry well or otherwiseperform poorly.When necessary, tinting should be done in thepaint shop by experienced personnel. The paint mustbe at application viscosity before tinting. Colorantsmust be compatible, fresh, and fluid to mix readily.Mechanical agitation helps distribute the colorantsuniformly throughout the paint.APPLICATIONThe common methods of applying paint arebrushing, rolling, and spraying. The choice of methodis based on several factors, such as speed ofapplication, environment, type and amount of surface,type of coating to be applied, desired appearance offinish, and training and experience of painters.Brushing is the slowest method, rolling is much faster,and spraying is usually the fastest by far. Brushing isideal for small surfaces and odd shapes or for cuttingin corners and edges. Rolling and spraying areefficient on large, flat surfaces. Spraying can also beused for round or irregular shapes.Local surroundings may prohibit the spraying ofpaint because of fire hazards or potential damage fromover-spraying (accidentally getting paint on adjacentsurfaces). When necessary, adjacent areas not to becoated must be covered when spraying is performed.This results in loss of time and, if extensive, may offsetthe speed advantage of spraying.Brushing may leave brush marks after the paint isdry. Rolling leaves a stippled effect. Spraying yieldsthe smoothest finish, if done properly. Lacquerproducts, such as vinyls, dry rapidly and should besprayed. Applying them by brush or roller may bedifficult, especially in warm weather or outdoors on8-10
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