Table 8-4.—Preservative PenetrationBuilder. The type of treatment or preservative dependson the seventy of exposure and the desired life of theend product.Preservatives can be harmful to personnel ifimproperly handled. When applying preservatives,you should take the following precautions:Figure 8-11.—Improvised tanks for dip treating lumber.standpoint of maximum penetration. However, it isAvoid undue skin contact;Avoid touching the face or rubbing the eyeswhen handling pretreated material;Avoid inhalation of toxic (poisonous) material;Work only in a properly ventilated space anduse approved respirators; andWash with soap and water after contact.PAINTING SAFETYmore or less unavoidable in the case of alreadyinstalled wood, as well as treated wood that has beenLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completingcut or drilled to expose the untreated interior.this section, you should be able to state theprincipal fire and health hazards associatedwith painting operations.FIELD-MIXED PRESERVATIVESEvery painting assignment exposes Builders toPentachlorophenol and creosote coal tar are likelyconditions and situations representingto be the only field-mixed preservatives used by thepotential danger. Toxic and flammable8-15actual ormaterials,
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