without penetrating to the substrate. The pattern isusually similar to that of a crow’s foot. Cracking is largerwith longer breaks extending through to the substrate(fig. 8-10). Both result from stresses exceeding thestrength of the coating. But, whereas checking arisesfrom stress within the paint film, cracking is caused bystresses between the film and the substrate.Cracking generally takes place to a greater extenton wood, due to its grain, than on other substrates. Thestress in the coating is greatest across the grain, causingcracks to form parallel to the grain of the wood.Checking and cracking are aggravated by excessivelythick coatings that have reduced elasticity. Temperaturevariations, humidity, and rainfall are also concerns forchecking or cracking.WOOD PRESERVATIVESLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completingthis section, you should be able to describe howto treat wood for protection against dry rot,termites, and decay.There are three destructive forces against whichmost wood protective measures are directed: biologicaldeterioration (wood is attacked by a number oforganisms), fire, and physical damage. In this section,we’ll deal with protecting wood products againstbiological deterioration.Damage to wood buildings and other structures bytermites, wood bores, and fungi is a needless waste. Theability of wood to resist such damage can be greatlyFigure 8-10.-Severe cracking.increased by proper treatment and continuedmaintenance. Wood defects are also caused by impropercare after preservation treatment. All surfaces of treatedwood that are cut or drilled to expose the untreatedinterior must be treated with a wood preservative.APPLICATION METHODSThere are two basic methods for treating wood:pressure and nonpressure. Pressure treatment issuperior to nonpressure, but costly and time consuming.Building specifications dictate which method to use.PressureThe capacity of any wood to resist dry rot, termites,and decay can be greatly increased by impregnating thewood with a general-purpose wood preservative orfungicide. It’s important to remember that goodpressure treatment adds to the service life of wood incontact with damp ground. It does not, however,guarantee the wood will remain serviceable throughoutthe life of the building it supports.Woods of different timber species do not treat withequal ease. Different woods have different capacities forabsorbing preservatives or other liquids. In any givenwood, sapwood is more absorbent than heartwood.Hardwoods are, in general, less absorbent thansoftwoods. Naturally, the extent to which a preservativeprotects increases directly with the depth it penetratesbelow the surface of the wood. As we just mentioned, thebest penetration is obtained by a pressure method. Table8-4 shows the ease of preservative penetration intovarious woods. In the table, use E for easy, M formoderate, and D for difficult.NonpressureNonpressure methods of applying preservatives to asurface include dipping, brushing, and spraying. Figure8-11 shows how you can improvise long tanks for thedipping method. Absorption is rapid at first, then muchslower. A rule of thumb holds that in 3 minutes woodabsorbs half the total amount of preservative it willabsorb in 2 hours. However, the extent of thepenetration depends upon the type of wood, its moisturecontent, and the length of time it remains immersed.Surface application by brush or spray is the leastsatisfactory method of treating wood from the8-14
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