pressurized equipment, ladders, scaffolding, andrigging always make painting a hazardous job.Hazards may also be inherent in the very nature of theenvironment or result from ignorance or carelessnessby the painter.The main causes of painting accidents are unsafeworking conditions or equipment, and carelesspersonnel. The proper setting up and dismantling ofequipment, the required safety checks, and the propercare of equipment may require more time than is spentusing it. Nevertheless, safety measures must be taken.FIRE HAZARDSCertain general rules regarding fire and explosionhazards apply to all situations. All paint materialsshould have complete label instructions stipulating thepotential fire hazards and precautions to be taken.Painters must be advised and reminded of the firehazards that exist under the particular conditions ofeach job. They need to be aware of the dangersinvolved and the need to work safely. Proper fire-fighting equipment must always be readily availablein the paint shop, spray room, and other work areaswhere potential fire hazards exist. Electric wiring andequipment installed or used in the paint shop,including the storage room and spray room, mustconform to the applicable requirements of theNational Electrical Code (NEC) for hazardous areas.HEALTH HAZARDSMany poisons, classified as toxic and skin-irritating, are used in the manufacture of paint.Although your body can withstand small quantities ofpoisons for short periods, overexposure can haveharmful effects. Continued exposure to even smallamounts may cause the body to become sensitized;subsequent contact, even in small amounts, may causean aggravated reaction. The poisons in paint aredefinite threats to normally healthy individuals andserious dangers to persons having chronic illnesses ordisorders. Nevertheless, health hazards can be avoidedby a common-sense approach of avoiding unnecessarycontact with toxic or skin-imitating materials.As with all tasks the Builder undertakes, safetymust be a primary concern from the earliest planningstages to the final cleanup. Shortcuts, from personnelprotection to equipment-related safety devices, shouldnot be permitted. Follow the project safety plan, andconsult all applicable safety manuals when involvedwith any paint operation. Remember, work safe, staysafe.PaintsRECOMMENDED READING LISTNOTEAlthough the following referenceswere current when this TRAMAN waspublished, their continued currencycannot be assured. You therefore needto ensure that you are studying thelatest revisions.and Protective Coatings, NAVFAC MO-110,Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force,Washington, D.C., 1991.Wood Preservation, NAVFAC MO-312, Department ofthe Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command,Washington, D.C., 1968.8-16
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