ASSIGNMENT 1Textbook Assignment:Chapter 1 - Light Floor and Wall Framing1-1.1-2.1-3.1-4.1-5.1-6.In wood frame construction, what isthe lowest member resting on thefoundation?1.Platform2.Plank3.Stud4.Sill plateThe edge of a sill is usually setback from the outside edge of thefoundation by what distance?1.The thickness of the sheathing2.The thickness of the headerjoist3.The thickness of the siding4.Twice the thickness of thesheathingAfter bolt holes are drilled andthe sill properly fitted, what isnormally the next step?1.Install the header joist2. Place the sill sealer3.Install the floor joists4.Install the washers and nutsWhen information is not provided inthe specifications, anchor boltspacing is normally 6 feet.1.True2.FalseWhich of the following items is/areconsidered a dead load?1.Furniture2.Floor joists3.Appliances4.PeopleWhen placing a girder in the pocketof a concrete wall, the minimumbearing should be1.1 in.2.2 in.3.3 in.4.4 in.1-7.1-8.1-9.1-10.1-11.1-12.Header joists prevent common joistsfrom rolling1.True2.FalseWhich of theis used whenout over the1.Common2. Trimmeror tipping.following joist typesthe a joist projectswall below?3.Cantilevered4.CrippleWhich of the following joist spansrequires more than one row ofbridging?1.16 ft2.14 ft3.12 ft4.10 ftWhen installed in a straight line,which of the following bridgingtypes provides an additionalnailing base for the subfloor?1.Diagonal2.Herringbone3.Solid4.CrossBefore placing floor joists, whichof the following members must bemarked to show joist nailingpoints?1.Soleplate and top plate only2.Sill plate and girders only3.Common joists and doubledjoists only4.All of the aboveFloor joists are always placed 16inches OC.1.True2.False1
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