1-36.Compared to other exteriorfinishes, plywood panels have whatadvantage(s)?1.They provide additionalstrength only2.They shorten installation timeonly3.They eliminate the need fordiagonal bracing only4.All of the above1-37.What size nail is recommended forinstalling 5/8-inch sheathing?1. 4d2. 6d3. 8d4.10d1-38.When nailing plywood panels inplace, you should leave gaps at thejoints to allow for expansion.1.True2.False1-39.What type of wall is usuallyconstructed when large pipes mustpass vertically through it?1.Reinforced2.Bearing3.Partition4.Chase1-40.What is the purpose of corner andcasing beads?1.Protect and reinforce cornersand edges of drywall2.Add additional support fornonbearing walls3.Allow for expansion4.Improve the appearance of thefinished wall1-41.The size of a ceiling joist isdetermined by what two factors?1.Height of walls and span fromwall to wall2.Weight it must carry and spanfrom wall to wall3.Height of bearing wall and OCspacing4.OC spacing and span from wallto wall1-42.All joists must run in the samedirection.1.True2.False1-43.Ceiling joists supported by abearing partition should overlapwhat minimum distance?1.16 in.2. 12 in.3.8 in.4.4 in.1-44.Which of the following componentscan be used to help support aceiling joist at the center of itsspan?1.Strongback2.Joist hanger3.Ribband4.Diagonal brace1-45.Double joists and headers arerequired when an attic scuttle islarger than what minimum size?1.5 ft by 5 ft2.2 ft by 2 ft3.3 ft by 3 ft4.4 ft by 4 ft1-46.The lowest framing member restingon the foundation is called1.a box sill2.the nailing base for joists3.the sill plate4.the foundation wall1-47.When placing anchor bolts in areinforced concrete wall, the boltshould be embedded at least 7inches.1.True2.False4
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