2-34.In an equal-pitch framingsituation, the unit of rise of ajack rafter is always the same asthe unit of rise of a commonrafter?1.True2.False2-35.Which of the following jack raftertypes extends from a hip rafter toa valley rafter?1.Valley2.Cripple3.Valley cripple4.Hip-valley cripple2-36.When erecting a gable roof, whatcomponents are constructed first?1.Cripple and jack rafters2.Gable-end rafters and the ridge3.Hip rafters4.Valley rafters2-37.HOW long should the temporarybracing used in roof erection beleft in place?1.Until sufficient sheathing hasbeen installed to hold therafters in place2.Until the wind has died down3.3 days4.4 days2-38.Which of the following features isused to support loads over a longspan without intermediate supportor supports?1.Dormer2.Valley rafter3.Roof truss4.Common rafter2-39.When building with trusses, doubletop plates and double floor joistsare required.1.True2.False2-40.Which of the following trusscomponents acts as a ceiling joist?1.Gusset2.Top cord3.Bottom cord4.Web2-41.Which of the following structuralcomponents is eliminated becausetrusses are self-supporting?1.Interior bearing partitions2.Gussets3.Double top plates4.Floor joists2-42.In frame construction, what trusstype(s) is/are most commonly used?1.King post only2.W-type only3.Scissors and W-types only4.All of the above2-43.Which of the following trussesconsists of top and bottom chordstied together with web members?1.W-type only2.Fink only3.W-type and Fink4.Scissors2-44.The load carried by a roof truss isdirectly transferred to what otherstructural component(s)?1.Floor2.Foundation3.Outside walls4.Interior walls2-45.Which of the following item is/arenot consideration(s) in trussdesign?1.Materials2.Snow and wind loads3.Weight of roof itself4.Slope of roof9
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