3-11.Butt joints of plywood sheetsshould be alternated so they do notoccur on the same rafter.1.True2.False3-12.What is the recommended clearancebetween masonry and wood framingmembers at a chimney?1.1 in.2.2 in.3.3 in.4.4 in.3-13.Which of the following woodcharacteristics is least importantwhen selecting trim material?1.Knots2.Even grain3.Natural decay-resistance4.Preservative pretreatment3-14.For exterior trim fasteners, whichof the following types of screws ornails is/are preferred?1.Galvanized steel only2.Stainless steel only3.Aluminum only4.All of the above3-15.What part of a gable roof projectsbeyond the end wall on an upwardslope?1.Rake2.Eave3.Fascia4.Ledger3-16.On a roof with no overhang, whattype of cornice is normally used?1.Open2.Gable3.Closed4.Simple3-17.In closed-cornice construction, theunderside of the eaves is exposed.1.True2.False3-18.3-19.3-20.3-21.3-22.3-23.Which of the following componentsprovides a nailing base for soffitmaterial?1.Lookout2.Frieze board3.Rafter4.PlancierWood soffit panels should befastened using nails in what(a) size and (b) spacing?1.(a) 6d (b) 6 in.2.(a) 6d (b) 8 in.3.(a) 4d (b) 8 in.4.(a) 4d (b) 6 in.What problem occurs when galvanizednails are used with aluminum sheetmetal?1.Spalling2.Electrolysis3.Rusting4.PeelingWhat is the area of a shingle thatis not over-lapped called?1.Top lap2.Exposure3.Square4.CoverageWhich of the following expressionsis correct concerning the pitch ofa roof with a 6-inch-per-foot riseand a 32-foot span?1.1/82.1/43.1/24.3/16Using roofing felt over sheathinghas what primary purpose(s)?1.To provide a secondary barrieragainst wind-driven rain only2.To keep the sheathing dry untilshingles are applied only3.To protect shingles against theeffects of resinous materialsreleased from the sheathingonly4.Each of the above13
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