3-59.A main entrance door is normallywhat size?1.1 1/2 in. thick, 2 ft 8 in.wide, 6 ft 8 in. high2.1 3/4 in. thick, 3 ft 0 in.wide, 6 ft 8 in. high3.1 3/4 in. thick, 2 ft 8 in.wide, 6 ft 8 in. high4.1 3/4 in. thick, 3 ft 0 in.wide, 7 ft 0 in. high3-60.Securing a doorframe to the framingmembers requires what nail(a) size and (b) type?1.(a) 16d (b) casing2.(a) 12d (b) common3.(a) 10d (b) finish4.(a) 8d (b) duplex3-61.Where on each side of a jamb shouldshims be located?1.Bottom only2.Bottom and top only3.Center only4.Bottom, top, and center3-62.Heat loss through metal windowframes is less than through woodwindow frames.1.True2.False3-63.The small wood members thatseparate the lights in a sash areknown by what term?1.Meeting rails2.Parting beads3.Muntins4.Weather strips3-64.Which of the following windows hasa wood sash with a single largelight?1.Casement2.Double hung3.Hopper4.Stationary3-65.What advantage does a casementwindow have over a double-hungwindow?1.Provides more light2.Provides better insulation3.Provides better ventilation4.Is easier to install3-66.What feature best distinguishessheet glass from plate glass?1.Plate glass is polished flat onboth sides2.Color3.Thickness4.Only plate glass ismanufactured in a continuousribbon and then cut in largesheets3-67.Because of its high rate ofexpansion, what type of glassrequires the most careful cutting,handling, and glazing?1.Laminated2.Wired3.Tempered4.Heat absorbing3-68.Which of the following types ofglass should be used where thehazard of flying glass must beavoided?1.Wire2.Laminated3.Insulating4.Safety3-69.When cutting glass, what allowanceshould you deduct from themeasurements to allow forexpansion?1.1/16 in.2.1/8 in.3.3/16 in.4.1/4 in.17
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