3-36.What is the main purpose of usingfelt paper on a built-up roof?1.To hold the bitumens together2.To insulate3.To soak up excess asphalt4.To act as a vapor barrier3-37.Asphalt should be in whattemperature range when applied?1.275°F to 375°F2.375°F to 425°F3.450°F to 500°F4.500°F to 550°F3-38.The aggregate on a built-up roofserves which of the followingfunctions?1.Protect the bitumen fromsunlight only2.Increase wind and fireresistance only3.Permit use of a thick surfacecoating of bitumen only4.Each of the above3-39.The first two layers of a five-plyroof are referred to as what typeof nailer?1.Dry2.Base3.Bottom4.Back3-40.A kettle operator should performwhat task first?1.Fill the fuel tank2.Fill the kettle with pieces ofasphalt3.Inspect the kettle, making sureit is dry inside4.Light-off the kettle3-41.In a kettle, how should you’maintain hot binder at an eventemperature?1.Adjust the burner2.Add material at the same rateas the melted material is drawnoff3.Adjust the fuel pressure4.Remove material faster than youadd it3-42.If a kettle catches fire, which ofthe following is an action youshould take first?1.Remove the burner2.Shut off the fuel3.Spray water on the kettle4.Close the lid3-43.The distance maintained between themopper and the felt layer shouldnot exceed1.9 ft2.7 ft3.3 ft4.5 ft3-44.Which of the following propertiesis/are essential for wood siding?1.Weathers easily2.Paints easily only3.Works easily only4.Paints and works easily3-45.Which of the following horizontalsidings can be obtained with eithershiplap or tongue-and-groove edges?1.Drop2.Bevel3.Dolly Varden3-46.In the installation of verticalboard siding, board widths rangefrom 2 to 4 inches.1.True2.False3-47.When installing 4- by 8-footvertical plywood siding, which ofthe following materials should youapply to the joints to ensuremaximum watertightness?1.Battens only2.Caulking only3.Water-repellent preservativeand caulking only4.Any of the above15
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