3–24.How many rolls of 30-pound felt arerequired to cover 48,400 squarefeet?1.1212.2423.3634.4843-25.Which of the following materialsshould be used as an underpayment?1.Coated felt2.Laminated waterproof paper3.Asphalt-saturated felt4.Polyethylene sheets3-26.Along cave lines where ice damsmight occur, what type of roofingmaterial is recommended?1.15-lb felt2.30–lb felt3.55–lb mineral surface4.55-lb smooth surface3-27.Forty-two and one/third squares ofstrip shingles are contained in howmany bundles?1.1272.3813.6094.1,1433-28.When applying asphalt shingles, howfar past the drip edge should youextend the first course to preventwater from backing up under theshingles?1. 1 in.2. 5 in.3.5/8 in.4.1/4 in.3-29.Flashing has what primarypurpose(s)?1.Reflect heat only2.Protect against water seepageonly3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Act as a vapor barrier3-30.The concealed nailing method ofinstalling roll roofing is usedwhen maximum service life isrequired.1.True2.False3-31.A 24-inch-long wood shingle on aroof with a 1/4 pitch should havewhat maximum exposure?1. 5in.2.5 1/4 in.3.5 3/4 in.4.7 1/2 in.3-32.What is/are the primarydifference(s) in the installationof wood shakes and wood shingles?1.Shorter nails are used withwood shingles only2.Shingles have less exposureonly3.An underpayment between eachcourse of shakes only4.All of the above3-33.What is the most common type ofridge used on asphalt shingleroofs?1.Boston2.Sheet metal3.Tile4.Prefabricated3-34.Roofing asphalts are graded on whatcharacteristic?1.Color2.Weight per pound3.Temperature at which they beginto flow4.Temperature at which they beginto soften3-35.In built-up roofing, which of thefollowing types of felts should beused?1.Organic only2.Glass fiber only3.Glass fiber and asphalt only4.Any of the above14
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