ASSIGNMENT 4Textbook Assignment:Chapter 5 - Interior FinishChapter 6 - Interior FinishofofWalls and CeilingsFloors, Stairs, Doors, and Trim4-1.In drywall construction, “nailpops” result from which of thefollowing factors?1.Stud misalignment2.Studs drying out3.Improper size nails4.Chemical reaction with coatingsin nails4-2.To align ceiling joists in anunfinished attic, what type ofstructural member should you use?1.Ribbon board2.Ledger3.Strongback4.Ridge beam4-3.The most common size gypsum boardhas what (a) thickness and (b) typeedges?1.(a) 1/2 in. (b) tapered2.(a) 1/2 in. (b) beveled3.(a) 5/8 in. (b) beveled4.(a) 5/8 in. (b) square4-4.What type of drywall is also calledgreenboard or blueboard?1. PB2.WR or MR3. BB4. X4-5.What type of drywall edge(s) may beleft exposed?1.Tapered2.Square only3.Beveled only4.Square and beveled4-6.4-7.4-8.4-9.4-10.When studs are spaced 24 inches OC,what thickness of drywall isrecommended for quality wallconstruction?1.5/8 in.2.1/2 in.3.3/8 in.4.1/4 in.What is best reason for using aconvex head hammer when drivingdrywall nails?1.To leave the nailhead flushwith the surface2.To dimple the material withouttearing the paper3.To drive the nail at an angle4.To countersink the nailFor the bestshould applywhich of thetools?drywall finish, youthe toping coat withfollowing drywall1.Finishing trowel2.Bow trowel3.6 in. knife4.12 in. knifeWhat length of smooth-shanked nailshould be used when installingdouble layers of 1/2-inch drywall?1. 1in.2.1 3/4 in.3. 2in.4.2 1/4 in.What minimum length Type W screwyou should use when installing1/2-inch drywall to wood studs?1.5/8in.2.3/4 in.3. 1in.4.1 1/8 in.19
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