4-32.To be effective, reflectiveinsulation must have what minimumair space?1.1/2 in.2.3/4 in.3. 1in.4.3 1/2 in.4-33.Rigid insulation may be used forwhich of the following structuralpurposes?1.Sheathing and building boardsonly2.Building boards and roofdecking only3.Roof decking and sheathing only4.All of the above4-34.Which of the following substancesis sometimes mixed with plaster toreduce heat transmission?1.Vermiculite or perlite2.Rock or glass wool3.Sawdust4.Shredded bark4-35.To reduce moisture and protect woodframe members, what type ofmaterial should you use as groundcover in crawl spaces?1.Roll roofing only2.Polyethylene only3.Roll roofing or polyethylene4.Blanket insulation4-36.When structures are built on slabs,it is a good practice to install avapor barrier under the slab.1.True2.False4-37.When insulation is used without avapor barrier, what material isnormally used to envelop the entireexposed wall and ceiling?4-38.When placing fill insulation overceilings, which of the followingdevices should you use to ensureuniform thickness?1.Carpenter’s level2.String line3.Bottom board4.Leveling board4-39.Which of the following materialsare effective vapor barriersagainst condensation?1.Aluminum foils only2.Asphalt-laminated papers only3.Plastic films only4.Each of the above4-40.The system in which wall-heightrolls of plastic film are appliedto produce a positive seal againstwater vapor is known by what term?1.Enveloping2.Vapor proofing3.Moisture proofing4.Positive sealing4-41.What is the most practical way toremove moisture from roof spaces?1.Heating the air2.Adding more insulation3.Ventilating4.Installing a dehumidifier4-42.How are hip roofs best ventilated?1.By inlet ventilators along therake and outlet ventilatorsalong the soffits2.By inlet ventilators along theridge and outlet ventilatorsalong the soffits3.By inlet ventilators along thesoffits and outlet ventilatorsalong the ridge4.By inlet and outlet ventilatorsalong the ridge1.Building paper2.Plastic film3.Building board4.Fiber glass22
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