5-9.What is the main purpose of the3/4-inch holes in perforated gypsumlath?1.To allow for easy installation2.To allow for expansion of themortar3.To provide ventilation forinterior walls4.To provide a mechanical key forthe mortar5-10.What type of lath is considered themost versatile?1.Metal2.Gypsum3.Wood4.Insulation5-11.What length of blued gypsum lathnail is recommended for installing1/2-inch gypsum lath?1. 1in.2.1 1/8 in.3.1 3/16 in.4.1 1/4 in.5-12.What is the minimum end lap forwire lath?1. 1in.2. 2in.3. 3in.4.2 1/2 in.5-13.What is the purpose of a casingbead?1.To reinforce the lath andinside corners2.To reinforce the door andwindow casings3.To provide room for expansionbetween plaster edges and theedges of baseboards4.To provide a finished edgearound openings5-14.To minimize shrinking and crackingaround the upper corners of doorsand windows, you should installwhich of the following items?1.Plaster grounds2.Expanded metal lath strips3.Base screeds4.Casings beads5-15.Which of the following componentsserve as temporary guides aroundwindow and door openings and areremoved after the plaster has set?1.Cornerites2.Corner beads3.Plaster grounds4.Lath strips5-16.What is the recommended type andproportions for two-coat plasterused on a masonry or concrete base?1.Gypsum plaster 1:2.52.Lime plaster using lime putty1:3.53.Portland cement 1:54.Lime plaster using hydrate lime1:7.55-17.You should not apply a lime finishto which of the following basecoats?1.Gypsum2.Portland cement3.Gypsum-vermiculite4.Lime5-18.When mortar materials are mixed byhand, what is the maximum time thatmixing should continue after allthe materials have been blended?1.5 min2.10 min3.15 min4.20 min27
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