ASSIGNMENT 5Textbook Assignment:Chapter 7 - Plastering, Stuccoing, and Ceramic TileChapter 8 - Structural Coatings and Preservatives5–1.Which of the following plasterbinding materials should NOT beexposed to severe moisture?1.Portland cement2.Lime3.Gypsum5-2.Which of the following statementsbest describes gypsum gaugingplaster?1.Contains lime putty whichincreases the dimensionalstability of the plaster whiledrying and provides initialsurface hardness2.Has a high density, yields ahighly polished surface, andprovides crack resistance whenused with fine sand3.Contains finely ground gypsumwith or without aggregate4.Contains no admixtures and isdesigned to reduce sound5-3.Gauging material is added to limeplaster for which of the followingreasons?1.To induce shrinkage and produceearly strength only2.To induce late strength andcounteract shrinkage tendenciesonly3.To produce early strength andcounteract shrinkage tendenciesonly4.All of the above5-4.Portland cement plaster should NOTbe applied directly over what typeof walls?1.Exterior masonry2.Interior masonry3.Interior or exterior metal-lathcovered4.Gypsum tile or plasterboard5-5.When the aggregate material isexcessively fine grain, why is theplaster strength reduced? smaller quantity of waterrequired raises the water tocement ratio and increases thedry set timeThe greater quantity of waterrequired raises the cement towater ratio and reduces the dryset densityLess binder paste is usedbecause of the lack of spacebetween particles of the fines,resulting in a weak mixtureMore binder paste is needed tocoat all particle surfaces,resulting in sufficient finesto close all voids and leavinga rich but unstable mixture5-6.Which of the following aggregatesshould be used in acousticalplaster?1.Perlite only2.Vermiculite only3.Perlite or vermiculite4.Sand5-7.For plaster application, what mustbe installed between structuralmembers to form a continuoussurface?1.Plaster planes2.Insulation3.Lath4.Fire blocking5-8.To provide a good key, wood lathplaster base should have whatminimum spacing?1.1/4 in.2.3/8 in.3.1/2 in.4.5/8 in.26
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