4-65.Which of the following doorhardware finishes is the mostcommon1.Brass2.Bronze3.Nickel4.Stainless steel4-66.As you stand facing a door, younotice that the door is hinged onthe left and swings away from you.What type of door is it?1.Left-hand reverse2.Left hand3.Right-hand reverse4.Right hand4-67.What size loose-pin butt hingeshould you use for a door 1 3/8inches thick?1.5 in. extra heavy2.5 in. by 6 in.3.3 1/2 in. by 3 1/2 in.4.4 in. by 4 in.4-68.A doorknob should be installed atwhat standard height?1.36 to 38 in.2.34 to 36 in.3.32 to 34 in.4.30 to 32 in.4-69.To prevent scraping as a door isopened, what clearance is allowedfor the doorstop on the hinge sideof the door?1.1/64 in.2.1/32 in.3.1/16 in.4.1/8 in.4-70.Which of the following devicesholds the door in place by contactwith the latch?1.Rim2.Vertical rod3.Mortise4.Strike plate4-71.Which of the following members isNOT trim for a double-hung window?1.Apron2.Sash stops3.Stool4.Window jamb4-72.What should be the first insidewindow trim member to be installed?1.Stop2.Stool3.Casing4.Apron4-73.Name the small strip molding usedon the upper edge of a two-piecebaseboard.1.Base cap2.Base top3.Chair rail4.Bumper4-74.Name the trim molding added to thebaseboard at the floor-walljunction.1.Corner2.Rail3.Shoe4.Base4-75.What type of joint should be usedat inside corners of ceilingmoldings?1.Butt2.Coped3.Mitered4.Lapped25
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