4-54.Before laying vinyl tile on a floorsurface, you should square off thefloor, apply the adhesive, and thenbegin laying the tile from the1.center of the floor workingtowards the walls2.center of a continuous wallworking towards the center ofthe floor3.corner of the floor workingtowards the opposite corner4.stairway or door openingworking towards the oppositewall4-55.Which of the following factors isan advantage of using carpetinginstead of other types of floorcovering?1.It absorbs sound2.It lasts longer3.It reduces maintenance4.It is cheaper4-56.How many square yards of carpet arerequired to cover a room 24 feet by48 feet?1. 762. 983.1144.1284-57.When installing cushioned-backedcarpeting, which of the followingitems is/are required?1.Tack strips only2.Double-faced tape only3.Additional padding only4.All of the above4-58.Rough openings for interior doorsare usually framed how much(a) higher and (b) wider than thefinished door size?1.(a) 2in. (b) 3in.2.(a) 2 1/2 in. (b) 3 1/2 in.3.(a) 3in. (b) 2 1/2 in.4.(a) 3 1/2 in. (b) 3 in.4-59.What is the proper name for theedge trim around an interior dooropening?1.Casing2.Molding3.Jam4.Sill4-60.Why are louvered doors the mostsuitable for use on closets?1.They are less expensive2.They are more durable3.They require less space4.They allow ventilation4-61.How should hinged doors swing oropen?1.Against a blank wall only2.Toward the natural entry only3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Into a hallway4-62.When plumbing and leveling adoorframe, which of the followingmaterials should you use?1.Casing wedges2.Wood shingle wedges3.Wood shake wedges4.Hairpin wedges4-63.What edge-distance allowance ismade when the casing is nailed tothe jamb?1.1/16 in.2.1/8 in.3.3/16 in.4.3/8 in.4-64.What should you do to a miteredcasing joint to lessen the chanceof its opening up as the casingmaterial dries?1.Use a glued spline2.Install wood screws3.Glue the joint4.Use a wood filler24
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