4-43.Which of the following inletventilation systems is recommendedfor use on low-pitched flat roofswith overhangs?1.Continuous slot2.Ridge3.Louvered4.Wall4-44.What is the primary advantage ofsoftwood flooring over hardwoodflooring?1.Less dense2.Lower cost3.Improved wear resistance4.Easier to maintain4-45.Subfloor boards are normally laidover joists in what direction?1.Parallel2.Diagonal3.Perpendicular4-46.Building paper is used oversubfloors to reduce1.noise and dust only2.dust and air flow only3.air flow and noise only4.all of the above4-47.What factor usually causes cracksto appear in finish floors severalmonths after the floor has beenlaid?1.Expansion of subfloor material2.Absorption of moisture afterdelivery3.Poor nailing4.Weak floor joists4-48.At which of the following anglesshould nails be driven through thetongue of tongue-and-grooveflooring?4-49.How can you prevent splitting the4-50.4-51.4-52.4-53.tongue when nailingtongue-and-groove flooring?1.By using cut nails2.By predrilling the nail holes3.By using chisel-point nails4.By waxing the nail shanksA vapor barrier is installed undera concrete slab before it ispoured.Is any further preparationrequired for the later installationof wood flooring.1.Yes2. NoWhat is the expansion allowance forhardboard underpayment when laidnext to a vertical surface?1.1/8 to 3/8 in.2.3/8 to 1/2 in.3.1/2 to 5/8 in.4.5/8 to 3/4 in.Nail spacing for 1/2-inch plywoodunderpayment should not exceed whatOC (a) edge and (b) field spacing?1.(a) 4 in. (b) 8 in.2.(a) 5 in. (b) 8 in.3.(a) 6 in. (b) 10 in.4.(a) 8 in. (b) 10 in.What is the result of too heavilyapplied tile adhesive?1.Tile will not adhere2.Adhesive will not set3.Ties will “telegraph”4.Adhesive will bleed betweentile1.30° to 35°2.35° to 40°3.40° to 45°4.45° to 50°23
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