4-11.Which of the following metal beadsis installed to protect drywallfrom edge damage?1.Stop2.Corner3.Casing4.Edge4-12.When you are attaching drywall,what is the recommended nailingprocedure?1.Start at the top and work down2.Start at the side joining theprevious sheet and work across3.Start at the center and workout4.Start at the bottom and work up4-13.Single-nailed drywall should beinstalled with what OC nail spacingon the (a) walls and (b) ceiling?1.(a) 6 in. (b) 8 in.2.(a) 8 in. (b) 6 in.3.(a) 7 in. (b) 8 in.4.(a) 8 in. (b) 7 in.4-14.After the first application ofjoint compound to a joint, whatshould be the next step?1.Allow the joint compound to dry2.Feather the joint3.Tape the joint4.Sand the joint4-15.Select from the following list theproper sequence for taping a gypsumdrywall joint.A.Apply a coat of joint compoundto bury tapeB.Press tape into center of jointc.Allow compound to dryD.Sand edgesE.Spread a bed of joint compoundabout 4-in. wide1.B, E, D, A, C2.E, B, A, C, D3.A, B, E, D, C4.B, A, E, C, D4-16.When you are repairing gypsumdrywall, holes larger that whatminimum diameter should be cut backto the center of the nearest studs?1.6 in.2.2 in.3.8 in.4.4 in.4-17.What is the recommended minimumthickness of plywood panels useddirectly over framing members?1.1/4 in.2.3/8 in.3.1/2 in.4.5/8 in.4-18.When you are installing verticalboard panels, what is the maximumspacing of furring strips?1.16 in.2.24 in.3.36 in.4.48 in.4-19.Most acoustical ceilings have whatmain purpose?1.Sound absorption2.Light reflection3.Flame resistance4.Appearance enhancement4-20.Assume the dimensions of a ceilingare 16 feet 8 inches by 10 feet 2inches.When calculating thematerial requirements, whatdimensions should you use?1.16 ft 0 in. by 10 ft 0 in.2.16 ft 8 in. by 10 ft 2 in.3.17 ft 0 in. by 11 ft 0 in.4.18 ft 0 in. by 12 ft 0 in.4-21.Assume you are laying out the gridpattern for a ceiling.How shouldthe main tees run?1.Parallel to the joists2.At a 45° angle to the joints3.Perpendicular to the joists4.In a crisscross pattern betweenthe joists20
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