4-22.In what order should the followingitems be installed?A.Acoustic panelsB.Cross teesC.Wall anglesD.Suspension wiresE.Main tees1.A, B, C, D, E2.B, E, C, A, D3.C, D, E, B, A4.D, E, B, C, A4-23.Assume a new acoustical ceilingwill be installed 14 inches lowerthan the old ceiling. Thesuspension wires should be cut withwhat minimum length?1.14 in.2.16 in.3.18 in.4.20 in.4-24.In a suspension ceiling system,where on the main tee should thefirst tie wire be installed?1.2 ft from either end2.4 ft from either end3.At the first cross-teeconnection4.At the center4-25.When installed, which of thefollowing components require theuse of splice plates?1.Aluminum main tees only2.Steel main tees only3.Aluminum and steel main tees4.Aluminum cross tees4-26.When installing acoustical panels,why should you work from severalcartons at the same time?1.All the panels may not be thesame direction2.Every other panel in a cartonhas a different edge cut3.The color, pattern, or texturemay vary slightly4.Not all panels can be cut orused as border panels4-27.When installing 12-inch-squareceiling tile in a 15-foot8-inch-wide room, what patternshould you use in terms of rows andsize?1.15 full rows and two 4-in.tiles2.15 full rows and one 8-in. tile3.14 full rows and one 10-in.tile4.14 full rows and two 10-in.tiles4-28.Insulating materials are usuallyinstalled in which of the followinglocations?1.Walls and ceilings only2.Ceilings and floors only3.Floors and walls only4.All of the above4-29.Into which of the followingcategories should insulation begrouped?1.Blanket and loose fill only2.Loose fill and rigid only3.Rigid and blanket only4.All of the above4-30.The primary function of the asphaltsheet material attached toblanket-type insulation is toresist1.water vapor2.heat3.cold4.insects4-31.Which of the following methods isnormally used for installingloose-fill insulation?1.Pouring only2.Blowing only3.Hand packing only4.Each of the above21
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