5-27.Which of the following statementsbest defines stucco?1.A combination of cement, sand,and water that, when applied,resembles concrete having ahard, strong, fire-resistantsurface which resists rot andfungus and retains color2.A combination of masonrycement, sand, and water that,when applied, resembles cementhaving a medium-hard surfacewhich requires frequentpainting to prevent rot andfungus3.A combination of cement, sand,and water that, when applied,needs a plasticizing materialto act as sealer in preventingrot and fungus4.A combination of masonrycement, sand, and water that,when applied, produces asmooth-hand surface which, ifnot painted immediately afterapplication, will begin tomildew5–28.A brown coat of stucco should bemoist-cured for how many hours?1. 82. 163. 244. 485-29.When using an acid wash to preparea concrete surface for stucco, youshould use one part acid to howmany of water?1. 62. 103. 124. 205-30.Which of the following factors ismost likely to cause discolorationin a stucco finish coat?5-31.Ceramic tile is normally dividedinto what two classifications?1.Interior and exterior2.Exposure and location3.Wall and floor4.Interior and floor5-32.How many basic ceramic tileinstallation methods are there?1.One2.Two3.Three4.Four5-33.What is the minimum soaking timefor tile when using thecement-mortar installation method?1.1 hr2.2 hr3.30 min4.45 min5-34.Which of the following types ofgrout should be used whensanitation is important?1.Latex2.Furan resin3.Epoxy4.Drywall5-35.How many parts of hydrated lime andsand should be used with threeparts of cement for a float coat ofa mortar bed setting for ceramictile?1.1 part lime and 7 parts sand2.6 parts lime and 10.5 partssand3.3 parts lime and 10.5 partssand4.8 parts lime and 21 parts sand1.Using stainless steel flashing2.Not retempering the mortar3.Failure to completely mix thefinish coat materials4.Using different proportions ofmaterials29
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