5-68.5-69.5-70.5-71.Strong sunlight on paint surfacesis most likely to cause which ofthe following problems?1.Peeling2.Blistering3.Alligatoring4.ChalkingInadequate bonding and what othercause are the prime reasons forpeeling?1.High-surface temperature2.Improper mixing of paint3.Inferior paint4.Improper surface preparationTemperature changes causing thesubstrate and overlaying paint filmto expand and contract are mostlikely to result in which of thefollowing conditions?1.Checking and cracking2.Peeling3.Alligatoring4.BlisteringAccumulation of moisture underpaint is most likely to cause whichof the following problems?1.Crawling2.Peeling3.Blistering4.Checking5-72.Breaks in paint film extending5-73.5-74.5-75.through to-the substrate indicatewhat type of paint failure?1.Checking2.Cracking3.Peeling4.CrawlingSpraying paint too thickly ormoving the spray gun too slowly aremost likely to cause which of thefollowing paint failures?1.Chalking2.Peeling3.Blistering4.WrinklingFailure of a gloss paint to attainits normal gloss is most likely tobe caused by which of the followingconditions?1.Application in cold weatheronly2.Inadequate surface preparationonly3.Application of the paint beforethe undercoat has dried only4.Any of the aboveThe degree of protection providedto wood by a wood preservativedepends on which of the followingconditions?1.The type of wood only2.The moisture content of thewood only3.The length of time the wood istreated only4.All of the above33
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