6-10.Once all the parts have been laidout and checked, erection of a20- by 48-foot PEB should beginwith the center frame member.1.True2.False6-11.During the course of erecting aPEB, when is the framework firstplumbed?1.Before the sidewall girts areinstalled2.After the exterior panels arepositioned3.Before the base angles areinstalled4.After all the brace rods are inposition6-12.Which of the following steps mustbe taken before the panels of a PEBare installed?1.Install the furring strips2.Install the windows3.Straighten the girts4.Straighten the stringers6-13.When placing the upper and lowerwall panels of a PEB, which of thefollowing operations is correct?1.1/4- by 1-in. machine screwsare placed first2.Upper wall panels are placedbefore the lower wall panels3.Upper wall panels overlap thelower wall panels4.Lower wall panels overlap theupper wall panels6-14.Where should the cave panels for aPEB be installed?1.One row ahead of the ridgepanels2.Two rows ahead of the ridgepanels3.One row behind the ridge panels4.Two rows behind the ridgepanels6-15.When should the doorjambs of a PEBbe installed?1.After installing the interiorlining2.After end-wall structural partsare completed3.After installing exteriorend-wall panels4.After installing the roofpanels6-16.What kind of concrete nails shouldyou use to nail the base furring tothe concrete deck of a PEB?1.8d, box2.2 in., No. 103.1 1/4 in., No. 94.3/4 in., No. 8 flathead6-17.After placing the base, corner, andgable furrings of a PEB, whatshould you install next?1.Hardboard liners2.Eave moldings3.Batten strips4.Vertical furring6-18.When installing hardboard in a PEB,you should ensure the gap betweenpanels is1.1/8 in.2.1/4 in.3.5/16 in4.3/8 in.6-19.For the flooring of a wood-frametent, what material should you use?1.3/8-in. fiberboard2.5/8-in. pressboard3.1/2-in. plywood4.1/4-in. tempered Masonite™6-20.Wall and roof framing members of a16- by 32-foot wood-frame tentshould have what spacing?1.1 ft OC2.2 ft OC3.3 ft OC4.4 ft OC35
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