6-45.The working drawings for timberpiers contain which of thefollowing information?1.Bill of materials only2.Dimensions and location of allstructural members only3.Required driftpins, bolts andhardware, and bill of materialsonly4.All of the above6-46.When the use of batter piles isrequired, what is the specifiedangle?1.5 in 122.2 in 123.3 in 124.4 in 126-47.On a bridge, the inside stringerson the superstructure are fastenedby what method?1.Through bolts2.Driftbolts3.Spikes4.Nails6-48.Which of the following conditionsexist when a pile vibrates too muchlaterally?1.Leaning2.Cracking3.Bouncing4.Springing6-49.What is the minimum amount the buttof a wood pile can be crushed orbroomed before you should cut itback to sound wood?1.1 in.2.2 in.3.3 in.4.4 in.6-50.It is always necessary to drive afriction pile to refusal.6-51.Waterfront structures are broadlydivided into how many categories?1.One2.Two3.Three4.Four6-52.Breakwaters and jetties fall underwhich of the following categories?1.Offshore structures2.Alongside structures3.Wharfage structures4.Deepwater structures6-53.Which of the following structuresworks to direct and confine acurrent or tidal flow into aselected channel?1.Breakwater2.Jetty3.Seawall4.Groin6-54.Of the following structures, whichhas the stabilization of ashoreline as its main purpose?1.Rubble-mound breakwater2.Caisson3.Seawall4.Jetty6-55.How many various types ofcast-in-place concrete seawalls arethere?1.Five2.Two3.Three4.Four6-56.Which of the following structuresis placed to arrest a current anddeflect it away from a shoreline?1.Breakwater2.Jetty3.Groin4.Seawall1.True2.False38
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