6-33.What size stock is used fortransverse diagonal bracing?1.2 x 22.2 x 43.2 x 64.2 x 86-34.When placing timber girders, the OCspacing is what distance?1.3 ft 3 in.2.3 ft 3 1/4 in.3.3 ft 3 1/2 in.4.3 ft 3 5/8 in.6-35.How many layers of planking make upa timber deck?1.One2.Two3.Three4.Four6-36.The timber decking consists of3-inch planks.1.True2.False6-37.At an abutment, which of thefollowing items prevents theapproach of road from washing outor eroding?1.End cap2.End wall3.End dam4.End curb6-38.Which of the following is aload-bearing member made of timber,steel, concrete, or a combinationof these materials?1.Coffer damn2.Pile3.Trestle4.Pile bent6-39.What is the tip diameter of a pileshorter than 40 feet?6-40.The butt diameter of piles longerthen 40 feet can be greater thanthe distance between the pileleads.1.True2.False6-41.During a pile driving operation,which of the following actions isnecessary to protect the pile fromdamage?1.Cut the pile perpendicular toits axis2.Use steel shoes to protect thepile3.Sharpen the tip of the pile4.Cut the butt of the pile squareand chamfer it6-42.Which of the following piles isrequired when piles of 80 feet orlonger are required?1.Timber2.Steel3.Concrete4.Combination6-43.Which of the following piles shouldbe used to form a continuous wallto resist horizontal pressureresulting from earth or waterloads?1.Sheet pile2.Precast pile3.Cast-in-place pile4.Open-end pipe pile6-44.Which of the following isconstructed below water-retainingstructures to retard the flow ofwater through the foundation?1.Cofferdamns2.Bulkheads3.Cutoff walls4.Trench sheathing1.8 to 11 in.2.9 to 12 in.3.10 to 13 in.4.11 to 14 in.37
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