5-57.Before painting, what is theprocedure for sanding a rough woodsurface?1.Start with a No. 1 sandpaper;follow up with a No. 2; andfinish with a No. 3x2.Start with a No. 2 sandpaper;follow up with a No. 1; andfinish with a No.2/0 grit3.Start with a No. 3 sandpaper;follow up with a No. 2; andfinish up with a No. 14.Start with a No. 2 sandpaperand finish up with a No. 2 and2/0 grit5-58.When used on porous wood, concrete,and masonry, which of the followingitems produces a smooth finishfloor coat?1.Conditioner2.Sealer3.Filler4.Latex paint5-59.When applied to chalky bases, whichof the following items improvesadhesion of water-based paints?1.Conditioner2.Sealer3.Filler4.Latex paint5-60.Which of the following itemsprevents resin from bleedingthrough applied paint coatings1.Conditioner2.Sealer3.Filler4.Latex paint5-61.Before applying filler toopen-grained wood, stain should beapplied and allowed to dry for whatminimum time?5-62.Before varnishing, you should use afiller on which of the followingopen-grained woods?1.Beech2.Birch3.Maple4.Walnut5-63.To mix two-package metallic paints,what method is recommended?1.Shaker2.Manual3.Propeller4.Berate5-64.During the paint mixing process,what is meant by "boxing thepaint"?1.Pouring it back and forth fromone container to another2.Mixing it with a mechanicalagitator3.Mixing it with a paddle4.Cutting it with a suitablethinner5-65.What are the three primary or truecolors that are the basis for allsubsequent shades, tints, and hues?1.Blue, red, and green2.Red, black, and white3.Black, yellow, and white4.Yellow, blue, and red5-66.Before its application by roller, aready-mix paint must be thinned.1.True2.False5-67.What is the recommended maximumamount of tint for 1 gallon ofpaint?1.1 oz2.2 oz3.3 oz4.4 oz1.12 hr2.24 hr3.36 hr4.48 hr32
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