5-36.In paint, which of the followingingredients provides the coloring?1.Drier2.Pigment3.Thinner4.Vehicle5-37.Which of the following paintingredients acts as the binder?1.Pigment2.Drier3.Vehicle4.Thinner5-38.Which of the following chemicalcompounds are NOT synthetic resins?1.Napthas2.Phenolics3.Epoxies4.Chlorinated rubbers5-39.What is the purpose of a paintsolvent?1.Give more body to the paint2.Prevent blistering of the paint3.Add gloss to the paint4.Adjust the consistency of thepaint5-40.To increase resistance of oil-basepaint to water and decrease dryingtime, you should add small amountsof what material to the paint?1.Linseed oil2.Polyester3.Varnish4.Naptha5-41.Which of the following ratiosdetermines the level of gloss inenamel paints?1.Pigment to binder2.Thinner to pigment3.Vehicle to binder4.Binder to drier5-42.Of the following paint types, whichis best suited to masonry surfaces?1.Oil-base2.Enamel3.Epoxy4.Latex5-43.In areas that require frequentwashing, which of the followingtypes of paint is normallypreferable?1.Portland cement2.Latex3.Aluminum4.Rubber-base5-44.When a can of ready-mix aluminumpaint is bulging, how should thepressure be released?1.Carefully remove the lid2.Carefully puncture the lid3.Shaking the can in a vibrator4.Cool the can5-45.Which of the following materialsdoes NOT obscure the surface towhich it is applied?1.Varnish2.Primer3.Enamel4.Latex5-46.Which of the following types ofvarnish is intended for exterioruse?1.Flat2.Spar3.Rubbing4.Color5-47.Which of the following materials isoften used as a sealant over woodknots to prevent bleeding?1.Lacquer2.Stain3.Shellac4.Varnish30
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