ASSIGNMENT 6Textbook assignment:Chapter 9 - Advanced Base Field Structures and EmbarkationChapter 10 - Heavy Construction6-1.6-2.6-3.6-4.6-5.After an ABFC shipment is arrangedin a storage area, what should bethe next step?1.Fit parts together2.Inventory3.Start erection process4.Report discrepanciesA PEB is shipped with all materialsand instructions necessary forerection.1.True2.FalseIn military construction, how manyteams are recommended for theerection of a 20- by 48-foot PEB?1.One2.Two3.Three4.FourThe 20- by 48-foot, rigid-frame,straight-walled building can easilybe disassembled, moved, and erectedagain without waste or damagebecause of what feature?1.Prestressed concrete pads2.Large metal C-clamps3.Bolted connections4.Fiberboard panelsBefore placing concrete for thefoundation piers of a rigid-framebuilding, which of the followingtasks should you perform?1.Bolt the frames together only2.Place templates and anchorbolts only3.Uncrate the paneling only4.All of the above6-6.While the foundation is beingprepared for a 20- by 48-footrigid-frame building, which offollowing work assignments canperform?1.Glaze the windows onlytheyou2.Bolt the rigid-frame assembliesonly3.Assemble the door leaves only6-7.4.Any of the aboveUntil ready to be used,the following materialsremain crated?which ofshould1.Girts2.Panels3.Eave struts4.Brace rods6-8.What should you do to ensurebuilding materials are accessibleduring assembly of a PEB?1.Keep all building materials inone central location2.Keep the building materials ontrucks3.Place the materials around thebuilding site where they willbe used4.Maintain at least 50 ft ofclearance between thestockpiles of buildingmaterials6-9.In PEBs, the high-strength boltsused to connect the rigid-frameassemblies are identified by whatmeans?1.A painted mark across the boltthreads2.A notch at the base of eachbolt3.An embossed HS on each bolthead4.An embossed Y on each bolt head34
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