2-46.2-47.2-48.2-49.2-50.2-51.Each part of a truss is in a stateof compression or tension.Whichof the following states, if any,describe(s) the pushing-togetherforce?1.State of tension only2.State of compression only3.All of the above4.None of the aboveIn what positions should trusses be(a) handled and (b) stored?1.(a) Horizontal (b) horizontal2.(a) Horizontal (b) vertical3.(a) Vertical(b) horizontal4.(a) Vertical(b) verticalWhich of the following featuresis/are necessary to resist winduplift force?1.Temporary bracing2.Gussets3.Trusses anchored to outsidewalls4.Blocking at lower chordsToenailing is the most satisfactorymethod of securing a truss to anoutside wall?1.True2.FalseA partition can be nailed directlyto the lower chord under which ofthe following conditions, if any?1.A partition runs at rightangles to the bottom of thetruss chord2.Partitions are erected afterceiling finish is applied3.A partition runs parallel withthe bottom chord4.None of the aboveWhich of the following scales on aframing square is graduated ininches and provides variousshortcuts in problem solving?1.Tenths2.Twelfths3.Hundredths4.Octagon2-52.In a gable roof, why is aridgeboard is placed at the peak ofthe1. a nailing surface forthe top ends of the commonrafterProvide a nailing surface forone end of the common rafterProvide a starting point forthe peak of the roofProvide the starting point forroof sheathingcommon rafters for a gable roofthe same length.TrueFalse2-54.Which of the following terms isanother name for the notch formedby the seat and heel cut?1.Overhang2.Projection3.Bird’s mouth2-55.When installing a roof where theridgeboard is longer than onepiece, where should the breakbetween the boards occur?1.Between the rafters2.Center of a rafter3.At the end of a rafter2-56.When working with gable or double-pitch roofs which of the followingis/are normally considered foradditional horizontalreinforcement?1.Ceiling joists2.Gable studs3.Collar ties4.Ridgeboard2-57.When framing a roof, the scaffoldshould be set no lower than whatdistance below the level of themain-roof ridge?1.1 ft2.2 ft3.3 ft4.4 ft10
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