2-24.What angle should a hip rafter formwith the building line?1.90°2.60°3.45°4.30°2-25.The unit of rise is always the samefor hip and common rafters, but theunit of run for a hip rafter isdifferent.1.True2.False2-26.With a hip rafter framed against acommon rafter, the shorteningallowance should be what dimension?1.One-half of the 45° thicknessof the ridge2.One-fourth of the 45° thicknessof a common rafter3.One-half of the 45° thicknessof a common rafter4.One-half of the thickness ofthe ridge2-27.What feature is required when a hiprafter joins the ridge or the ridgeends at other than 90°?1.Bird’s mouth2.Angle cut3.Tail cut4.Side cut2-28.What procedure should you use on ahip rafter to keep it level with acommon rafter?1.Plane the top of the hip rafter2.Bevel the top edges only3.Deepen the bird’s-mouth only4.Either 2 or 3 above2-29.On an intersecting roof, the areawhere two or more sloped roofsections intersect is known by whatterm?2-30.Which of the following features canrun from valley rafters to bothridges?1.Hip jack2.Valley jack3.Supporting valley4.Common rafter2-31.Which of the following features canrun at a 45° angle to the exteriorwalls1.Valley rafter2.Hip jack3.Supporting valley4.Hip2-32.Which of the following techniquesshould be used in constructing anintersecting roof that has one longand one short valley rafter?1.Frame both valley rafters upagainst the main ridge2.Frame both valley raftersagainst the intersecting ridge3.Frame the long valley rafter upagainst the intersecting ridgeand the short rafter up againstthe main ridge4.Frame the long valley rafter upagainst the main ridge and theshort valley rafter up againstthe long valley rafter2-33.What is the shortening allowance ofa valley rafter when a dormerwithout sidewalls is framed betweendouble headers with a combinedactual thickness of 3 1/4 inches?1.One-half of the 45° thicknessof the inside upper doubleheader only2.One-half of the 45° thicknessof the common rafter only3.Both 1 and 2 above4.One-half of the total thicknessof the upper and lower doubleheaders1.Valley2.Ridge3.Hip4.Gable8
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